Cristina Bogdan (b. 1985) is a writer and researcher whose work engages philosophy from both Western and non-Western sources to propose new readings of the contemporary realm of the sensible.

She is the founder of the research & education space ODD, a vehicle for the elaboration of propositions on the political, mythological, spiritual and cybernetic configurations of Eastern Europe. With ODD, Cristina undertook several long-term research projects, such as ODD THEORY (2014-19), PRIVATELY (2017-19), and Who Cares? (2018). These culminated into series of publications which she edited.

In an attempt to build a critical vocabulary for art writing in Romania, she also founded the online version of Revista ARTA, currently the main contemporary art publication in the country. In 2017, Revista ARTA was one of the four founding members of East Art Mags, a network of art publications from Central and Eastern Europe.

In 2019, Cristina relocated to Assam, India, and together with Mriganka Madhukaillya founded the research and design studio Forest Cybernetics. The main project of the studio is Library in the forest, a pedagogy lab aiming to rethink contemporary aesthetics from an indigenous perspective.

During a postgraduate diploma course in Indian Aesthetics from Jnanapravaha Mumbai in 2024, Cristina's writing began incorporating the Indian theoretical corpus on rasa into her thinking on cybernetics and digital aesthetics, leading to a new body of philosophical and fictional works.

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